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Northwest Crisis Training uses Edgework methodology to provide training and consultation on violence prevention along with individual and workplace safety with a focus on verbal de-escalation and verbal control techniques. Today, more than ever, we are facing interactions potentially dangerous or volatile people who are struggling with mental illness, substance abuse issues or a combination of both. Regardless of the cause of the crisis, it often falls on one person to interact with and calm these individuals. Sometimes an employee or family member has no choice, or even a duty, to intervene to protect others.

The cornerstone of NW Crisis Training is the need to prepare ourselves to react effectively, not emotionally, to these chaotic situations which allows us to create a safe environment.

NW Crisis Training bases its teachings on the 3 pillars necessary to establish safety.

    • Calming oneself, thereby becoming a powerful still-point in chaotic situations
    • Effective Listening and Communicating
    • De-Escalate before you try to solve the problem

The goal at NW Crisis Training is to give people the tools to feel comfortable and be safe while interacting with individuals in crisis. This training goes beyond verbal techniques and provides real world experience in detecting rising levels of aggression, which can lead to violence if proper intervention is not initiated.

Northwest Crisis Training was formed after 20 years of training and experience by Patrick Fudally. It is his personal ambition to make this material available to any individual or organization, no matter how big or small. The training provided can be tailored to the needs of the institution or individuals requesting our training.

NW Crisis Training is rooted in security and law enforcement; every course is augmented by Edgework methodology, which bridges the gap between first responders and other occupations and organizations. Everyone can benefit from NW Crisis Training classes.

We offer classes that meet the Washington State requirements in RCW 49.19.030 for safety training in a healthcare setting. See our list of classes for more information.